Wellbeing Shower Gel 200 ml
Wellbeing Shower Gel 200 ml
A perfume by Angéline Leporini
Naturally relaxing
Enriched in natural essential oil of rose, Rose Shower Gel envelops us in gentle serenity. Remedy against gloom, its fragrance releases muscle tension by 12%.* *Study realised by EMG on trapezoic zone.
100% plant-based cleansing base
Since 1862, Roger&Gallet has always been ahead of its time, putting nature at the heart of its toiletry essentials, with no superfluous products. Nature, in all simplicity.
The Ritual

The Art of Toiletry
Discover the Rose wellbeing line of bath and body cares. After using the Shower Gel, perfume yourself with your Wellbeing Fragrant Water for a long-lasting and enveloping scent.